Town and Talent Technologies 2005-2006  

Mission Statement of Town and Talent Technologies:

         Applying Altruistic Principles

         Motivated by Hunanitarian Concern

         Using Modern Technology and the Internet

         Develop a Knowledge-based Economy in the Chinese West Region

         For a Bright Future



In the 1980s, the Tofflers envisioned the future of the information society in The Third Wave. Twenty years later, it is now a reality. The development of communication infrastructure has permitted the rapid spread of wireless technology, including cellular phones, personal computers, and the Internet. The Drs. Tofflers predicted that in the information era, agricultural societies could transform directly into information societies, bypassing the industrial stage entirely. They could then easily avoid all of the side-effects and social turmoil that too often characterize the industrial period.

Today in mainland China, a daring group of individuals has already proven the Tofflers' prophetic theory correct. The successful example at Yellow Sheep River in Gansu province, as well as more the hundred village schools in western China, has verified that the Internet not only connects dreams in remote and impoverished areas, but also radically speeds local economic development. The Internet has demonstrated beyond all doubt that it can change the course of people's lives. Only by way of the Internet can one eliminate the digital divide and assist underdeveloped areas in elimination poverty. Hence, this group has established Town and Talent Technologies with a 20 million US dollar initial investment. This business is operating within the framework of “Western China Development”, and will unveil the market potential of over 800 million people.

Town and Talent Technologies 2005-2006