
下面的是一个简单的例子来说怎样用 shotgraph画图。


The size of the image is 201x201.

VBScript 中的代码:

set obj=CreateObject("shotgraph.image")

'Calling the CreateImage method
obj.CreateImage size,size,4

'Set 4 colors for drawing
obj.SetColor 0,255,255,255
obj.SetColor 1,0,0,0
obj.SetColor 2,255,108,0
obj.SetColor 3,0,0,204

'Crearing the painting area with color 0
obj.SetBgColor 0
obj.FillRect 0,0,size-1,size-1

'Color 0 will be used for drawing
obj.SetDrawColor 1
'Drawing the line
obj.Line size-1,0,0,size-1
'Color 2 will be used for filling
obj.SetBgColor 2
'Draw the big circle
obj.Ellipse 5,5,size-6,size-6
'Color 2 will be used for filling
obj.SetBgColor 3
'Draw the small circle
obj.Ellipse 5,(size-5)/4,size/2,(size-5)*3/4

'Create the image file named test.gif
obj.GifImage 0,1,"test.gif"