· Develop confidence and
raise standards of English
use; many rural English
teachers speak little or
no English, have never used
it as a language and lack
discourse competence. They
have extreme difficulty
in imparting these skills
to their students.
· Improve English language
teaching skills and introduce
benchmarks for on-going
professional development
Teachers will actually use
English to communicate with
native speakers, to be trained
in new teaching techniques,
and to create a group of
peers with similar interests
and goals. |
· Understand constraints
of computer mediated language
· Learn how to assist students
use ICTs and exploit e-learning
· Get support of other teachers
and establish real and virtual
support networks
· Learn and understand best
practice and how to access
ideas and get support
· Acquire new authentic
resources to stimulate and
sustain effective teaching
· Provide encouragement,
incentives and opportunities
for professional development
Teachers will work with
computers and the internet
to experience online exercises,
sample lesson plans, research
resources (e.g. virtual
library, public media, online
texts, and primary content
sources) and authentic reading
materials. They will use
English for email to connect
to their peers, both in
China and abroad, to give
them new ways to connect
with the on-going professional
development of the field
of EFL. |
Continuous needs assessment
through observation, consultation
and data collection is an
integral part of the program
design and research brief.
Implementation of the Foundation
program will also be carefully
monitored throughout using
a combination of self assessments,
peer review, video observation,
analysis and culturally
sensitive feedback techniques.
Teachers will experience
the process of evaluation
on themselves as students
and teacher trainees. They
will work in group feedback
sessions, write a daily
learning journal, evaluate
themselves via rating forms,
and discuss the process
itself. |
Communicative teaching
approach based on holistic
principles using a mixture
of total immersion techniques,
experiential learning models,
authentic teaching materials,
video, web-based programs,
drama and writing, reflection
and consultation.
Teachers will study through
the medium of English, both
English itself and teaching
techniques. They will discuss
the nature of the training,
the materials used (including
modern Western EFL texts),
watch and critique videos
of themselves and the trainers,
and share in brainstorm
sessions. |
100 hours comprising
30 hour intensive language skills
- mornings
30 hours classroom skills training
- afternoons
20 hours practice & presentation
- evenings
20 hours personal research and
study - evenings and weekend.
Following initial assessment
by written test and oral interview
100 teachers will be assigned
to 4 groups of approximately
25 based on English level skills.
Groups will be further divided
in to work groups and teams
to pursue a variety of learning
tasks. There will be a strong
emphasis on oral and aural communication
skills to help teachers speak
and teach English with confidence
and respond to verbal instructions.
Team building activities will
be used to help overcome natural
shyness and reticence to take
part in interactive and participatory
forms of learning. Participants
will be assessed across a broad
spectrum of skills (language,
teaching, critical thinking,
reflection, group building,
initiative, confidence, innovation,
etc) and upon successful completion
will be awarded a Foundation
Course Certificate in English
Language Teaching.
a Language Immersion Experience.
Providing teachers with the
opportunity to experience the
benefits of communicative styles
of teaching will greatly add
to their personal prestige and
confidence in particular it
will show them how to;
· Use total immersion and experiential
learning to generate language
· Create authentic contexts
for the development of English
language communication
· Develop new teaching strategies
and understand the benefits
of communicative language teaching
Teachers will work in English
only to realize the communicative
tasks and settings needed by
language learners, to help built
authentic contexts and see the
needs of genuine communication
tasks. Trainees will experience
the teaching strategies as used
on themselves and reflect on
its applicability. |