始于公益 止于赢利
千乡万才 中国情怀 企业运做 永续经营 |
The Kingdom of Heaven
Mustard Seed
"The kingdom of heaven
is like a mustard seed, which
a man took and planted in his
field. Though it is the smallest
of all your seeds, yet when
it grows, it is the largest
of garden plants and becomes
a tree, so that the birds of
the air come and perch in its
Matthew 13:31-32
The Kingdom of Heaven is
like yeast that a woman took
and mixed into a large amount
of flour until it worked all
through the dough.
Matthew 13-33
The Hidden Treasure and
the Pearl
The Kingdom of Heaven is
like treasure hidden in a field.
When a man found it, he hid
it again, and then in his joy
went and sold all he had and
bought the field.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a merchant looking for fine
pearls. When he found one of
great value, he went away and
sold everything he had and bought
Matthew 13:44-45 |
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a net that was let down into the
lake and caught all kinds of fish.
When it was full, the fishermen
pulled it up on the shore. Then
they sat down and collected the
good fish in baskets, but threw
the bad away.
Matthew 13:47-48 |
of Money
The Kingdom of Heaven will be
like a man going on a journey,
who called his servants and entrusted
his property to them. To one he
gave five talents of money, to
another two talents, and to another
one talent, each according to
his ability. Then he went on his
Matthew 25:14-15
of Money
The man who had received the five
talents went at once and put his
money to work and gained five
more. So also, the one with the
two talents gained two more. But
the man who had received the one
talent went off, dug a hole in
the ground and hid his master's
Matthew 25:16-18 |
of Money
After a long time the master of
those servants returned and settled
accounts with them.
He said to the one who had received
one talent, "You wicked and
lazy servant, you should have
put my money on deposit with the
bankers, so that when I returned
I would have received it back
with interest." Matthew
25:19-26 |
For everyone who has will be given
more, and he will have abundance.
Whoever does not have, even what
he has will be taken from him"
Matthew 25:29 |