Tombs of Han Dynasty


The discovery of tombs of Han Dynasty

On Jul 14, 1987, when workers built Taoheng Road, an ancient tomb

was discovered by the operator on bulldozer. The tomb was next to

Huanghe River and 2 meters below the sand surface. There were two

coffins, some white bones, ancient gray pots and tableware in it.

According to the operator-Mr Wang said that he knew nothing about

relics. When he drove the bulldozer to a big pile of earth, his bulldozer

suddenly dropped into the tomb. What he could remember were the

basin, pot and bowls on the ground.

The research of tombs of Han Dynasty

As there was no Bureau of Cultural Relics in Taole County,

no one realized the value of these pots and basins. In a

short time, the archaeological experts in Ningxia Bureau of

Cultural Relics got to know this matter and judged the

cooper coins to be money in Han Dynasty. When the news

spread, these cultural relics became lost one by one. According to historic records, in 133 AD, Hanwudi

emperor set up a garrison in Binggou to guard the motherland. At that time, the dead soldiers and

generals were buried there, which formed the group of tombs of Han Dynasty.


The group of tombs of Han Dynasty

In 1987, the group of tombs in Binggou was confirmed by

experts and explored in 2002. In this period, someone tried

to rob a tomb, but no one succeeded. When you stand in

front these tombs, what you can see is not only dead

bodies of the soldiers and officials who stayed there to

safeguard the motherland frontier of ancient China, but also

the 2000-year culture and history. As Huanghe River overflowed, some tombs were washed away. To our

surprise, a half of the grand tomb was collapsed. We hope some departments can pay attention to this

problem and save our relics.


The sands in the tombs

When we entered the tombs of Han Dynasty, the guide told us that there were fried sands in the coffins,

which could prevent the dead bodies decaying. After 2000 years, the bodies were still well kept and the

wood of coffin was as brand-new as before. Another use of sands was to prevent someone rob the tomb.

Because every tomb was covered by soil and sands, when people dug the tomb, the sands would collapse

and buried the robber. I have ever heard that many tombs set obstacles to prevent robbing; especially, this

group of tombs of Han Dynasty symbolizes the wisdom of ancient Chinese people.


Copyright@ Summer Team, Taole No.1 Middle School, Ningxia,PRC