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ime: 2008-9-14

Theme: creating group

Today we registor to organize the group as below:

Director: yanhaicheng, shangqingsheng

Involved staff: xiaoyu, xiaowenjin, zhaoqiannan, jiangyuan, chenhong


Time: 2008-9-15

Theme: deciding title

This meeting main deicide the theme, with the discussion we decide our theme to be the Qinghai duanwu in the match


Time: 2008-9-18

Theme: assignment of the members

We have 7 people in our group Mr. Shang in charge of interview, zhaoqiannan typewrites, xiaowenjin taking photo and chenhong record, Mr. Yan and jiangyuan webpage making. This is all our group.

Theme: our activity starts, no matter if the success, we try to secure, as long as we try , we won’t lose, we have to be focused to work. to achieve this target, we will make it with all the sacrifice. We spend a lot to finish it. So we have to stick to the end, as long as there is one hope ,we will do it. Stick is victory. Come on!


Time: 2008-9-20

Theme: Interview to the town government

We are happy that we gain a lot of things about duanwu. Mr. Yan lead us to interview to the town government. We know that more and more attention to the duanwu from the government. So this year, it is first to list duanwu as the national holiday. But it is a pity that we are not clear about the custom.





                           interviewing with the official of  government

Time: 2008-9-22

Theme: Interview in the village.

Today we went to the village to interview. First is the huangdong village, where is nearest to our school. Mr. Liu told us that it is for wuzixu. He likes reading the novelty. From the ancient he told us that wuzixu ‘s brother and father was killed by the king, he went to wu kingdom, overcoming the chu kingdom. After the death , fuchai went to he throne and defeated the yue kingdom, after that king don’t agree with yue king and then kill him. He is loyal and saying, hang my eyes at the gate, I will see the wu kingdom being defeated. Fuchia was annoyed and then wrapped hime into the leather into the river. So this festival is for him. But with doubt, finishing the interview, because our teacher said it is for wu.


              He said that duanwu commemorates Wu Zixu ,We had not believed !

Time: 2008-9-30

Theme: interview to zhaojiamo.

Today we talk with the students’  parents, mainly for the duanwu habit. In the interview we just know that it is not only eating the cool noodles and taking the sweet bag. After all we are kids, some habit our parents knows, such as mopping the yard, fresh mudan. Fire the baixiang and drinking the xionghuang drink.

 We feel that we are not related with those, so we neglected, through our interview, we start to know this.


Time: 2008-10--10

Theme: interview our history teachers.

Till now our group didn’t clear why insert the branches, so it takes the noon time we interview him. First, why insert the branches? He looks so embarrassed. But he take us to the library. But we failed and disappointed. But he told us that duanwu history are in many kinds. It is right that interviewee is for wuzixu another is for cao’e. so there are three kinds, we are happy to know this.





                          interview with teacher who teaching history


Time: 2008-10--12

Theme: tel interview personnel

With the connection of Mr. Shang, our group interview the professor of Qinghai mingzu college. He introduced duanwu feeling and culture inside. We though that the biggest sense and permanent value cannot separate with quyuan. As the national holiday, it steps forward us. It is the traditional holiday showing the pursuit of Chinese people and nurturing our soul.


Time: 2008-10--16

Theme: interview the leader of culture museum

We have all kinds of the interview, but fail. We want to give it up, but Mr. Yan keep it, we have to solve the problems, only with this, we can be successful for this two match. So we came to the county museum to solve the problems. We are so happy at that time.



on the way of interviewing

Time: 2008-10--25

Theme: making the webpage

In our group , there are always in our mind is keeping. We work together to   make the webpage, jiangyuan is the main power, for the computer. We just do what we can do. We try our best to interview and writing. In our working, we learn not only the knowledge but also the principle and friendship. We are the family with the struggle. We are like sister and thank to this match.


Time: 2008-10--28

Theme: our thinking

For this match, we pay a lot. We interview in the wind and rain. We are frozen and confused. we pursuit the answer and never give up. We try to do it in the best. We hope we can get the good remarks for the result. And we can frankly accept. Because we are first time to attend this match, with out any experience. And we start to learn in the match, such as the group spirit , hardworking and exploring… we never experience before. After all, we want to thank the organizer of the match.


search the information


Time: 2008-10--30

Theme: sharing our fruit

Our task has been finished, but for us it is not finished, because all are curious to this title, after the interview, hey ask us what we had learned. Then we are so happy, according to the students requirements, we hold the meeting in the name of carrying on the culture and duanwu story. Then the school reflected strongly. The school hold a speech. The Chinese teacher ask us to write in this name, some of them get rewarded. We are so happy looking this.




This webpage is done by the studio in center middle school.