Is there inbreeding in pandas ?
The social structures of pandas have been shown by the research of 18 pandas with radioloop. In 18 pandas, there are 5 adult male pandas who guard the females and the cubs and 5 females who are in charge of breeding and raising babies. The females have the cycle of two years of “heat-mating-breeding-raising”. While two old pandas stay in their home until death. 
In the courting field for Jiaojiao, there was not the son of her, so people think there may be the system of avoiding inbreeding in pandas. Sons and mothers have no sexual attractions.
In the six pandas, there are two females who will go away from their mothers in adolescent to find their lovers and build their own homes. There are three males who have not been away and who will go to the courting field to watch when they were not mature sexually.
The researchers think that many kinds of mammals can recognize in relatives. When the daughters are not mature sexually, they go away to avoid mating with their fathers.
With the center of males, the social structure of panda is made up of several males and females. The males dominate the area from the ancestors, while the females are from outside. The female offsprings of males always go out to keep the stability and diversity of the species.
Conclusion: There is the system of avoiding inbreeding.