
Yan’s works |
Wei Zheng-tong especially praised Yan as an excellent thinker and teacher in his famous book “Confucians and Modern China”.
In 1981, “Yan’s Autobiography” was published in Taiwan, which was the first record of Yan’s contribution to rural construction. The author emphasized Yan’s popular education movement from 1920 to 1980. Until now, this book has high value in historical research.
Before 1980, Readers Digest published Yan’s essay for seven times in 40 years, which was a high praise of Yan’s contribution in mass population. Yan Yi-qiao collected essays about Yan’s research and contribution and published in 1976 named “Mr. Yan and his mass education and rural construction.” In 1980, Mr. Li You-ning compiled the book “In Ninties” according to Yan’s oral account. |
Yan’s works |
In 1989, Science and Education Press published “Yan Yangchu’s Essays”; in the next year, another book named “Yan and his Dingxian Trial” came out. In the second book, there were 68 essays written from 1926 to 1936, concerning about Yan’s mass education movement in Dingxian. It has become the most authoritative work about Yan’s research. Ms. Li Zhi-hui, the staff in Dingxian Yan’s Research Association, began to search information about Yan since 1985. In five years, she interviewed more than 20 people and got first hand oral material.
From May 28, to Jun 1 of 1990, International Conference about Yan’s Mass Education and Rural Construction was held in Shijiazhang, co organized by Central Education Institution, Hebei Education Association, IIRR, and Beijing alumni association. After the conference, Mr. Song En-rong compiled an essay selection, which concluded more than 20 essays.
In 2001 and 2004, Yan’s 100th anniversary Seminar and Yan’s Mass Education International Forum was held in Chengdu and Bazhong of Sichuan Province. In 21st century, more than 20 conferences about Yan’s research were held in China. According to Zhang Hai-ying’s introduction, Japanese researchers paid much attention on Yan’s mass education theory and practice. |
In 1942, Japanese education experts began to do research on Dingxian Trial. In 1945, Pearl Buck, the famous American writer, interviewed Yan about his experience of popular education and recorded this part in her book named “Tell the People.” This book had great influence in the world and the UN made the basic worldwide education plan according to it.
In 1980s and 1990s, the research on Yan’s mass education became popular. For example, Charles W ·Hayford focused on Dingxian Trial and wrote “Folk Life: Yan Yangchu and China Rural Areas”. Mayfield put emphasis on the necessary and possibility of long-term development in Chinese rural areas. G.N. Radi summarized the experience in education, livelihood, health and self-government in India. IIRR compiled Y.C.James Yen'S Thought on Mass Education and Rural Reconstruction China and Beyond and Rural Reconstruction Review. |