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Peace envoy, giant panda
The puzzle to Animals diplomacy Explore panda diplomacy Tracing the origin of panda diplomacy The role of panda diplomacy Diplomatic efforts Project narrative Our team The course of our studies

Discoveries, Lessons and Surprise

  We had experienced a lot new things in the activity, especially in the wild investigation when we discovered the giant pandas' favorite Songhua bamboos although we failed to have a look of the pandas. We also took a lot of pictures. They also have seen many unknown wild animals like squirrel, throstle and caragana. In the field investigation, there were many adventures on the way, but we were absorbed in the beautiful scenery and forgot the way, thus we were often blocked down, near where was nothing but abyss. A teacher even took back a piece of sheep skull specimen. It was a pity that we three students were girls and could not be taken there together for sake of safety. In this activity, we have realized that we not only had to strengthen the basic knowledge and skills training, but also the knowledge on wilderness exploration and survival skills, especially the safety. 








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