The rate of the fruit is over 95%,
with the low sugar, high protein, and full of vitamin. According to the
experiment, every 100g has protein 1.9g, two times than cucumber,
vitaminC 130g, all the ingredients are the need of the human body, in
high value.
High protein is one of the character,
One of the main character is high
protein, it is the building material for the body, the basis to prolong
the life. It is made of anjisuan, for the kids growing and old
Full of vitamin is another character,
in which vitamin C b1, b2 and carrot. It is the must to the people. And
it has the good effect to the all the disease.
Full of the ingredients is another
character. It is the must to keep the body moving, if the lack of it,
the life will get hurt. It has the effect to the cancer, high blood
pressure and diabetes.