Oats had already 5000 years history in china, it’s the high cold plant out of great wall, and it’s the best thing of top 3 here (oat, yam, leather cloth), there are many modus perandis to make oat’s food, and each has its strong point. Tun Tun is one of the most favourates food locally. But when you eat oat’s food, remember can’t eat to full, because it’s high power food, full is not easy to assimilation, folksay “when you eat oak, just eat half full, and drink a bowl of warm water is just ok”. Tun Tun’s material are oat’s flour, yam, the modus operandi is ver simple.
First put hot water inside the flour and mill to pasta, the pasta need to wait 7-8 minutes to soft , take off the husk of potetal and clean. If need to add some vegetables (take out yellow leaves and impurties) and red raddish, it would be . |
2. make the potetals and raddish rubed into threadlike with machine, meanwhile the pasta getting soft already, now knead the pasta many times, must be make it to flexible, then sperate them into small piecese like duke size. |
3. Now get some fine works, put the samll pasta on the table, use rolling pole to make it to piece shape (the thickess like the noodles we used to ate), then put the threadlike of potatle and vegetables and red raddishes pprinkle on the surface. That increase some appetite for looking, itch to eat at once, delicouse. |
4.Roll it with hand, then cut with cutter, the cut way is very important: press the oat’s roll with hand, cut quickly, (if cut slowly then easy to make the oats adhibit together, that the tun tun would not loose and flexible), cut them into piece with 4cm height, then a tun tun is shaped |
5.take cuted tun tun with hand on to the braise drawer, and put in the boiler to braise 15 minutes, when you put them in pls remember: don’t worry it would be drop down when cooked, every tun tun have to leave some space, only with this the cooked tun tun can be delicious.