We came to visit the village. |
The village |
This old man told us that the Red Army had walked
through this village in 1930s. A young villager at that
time-Mr. Chen ever showed the way for them. |
We learned more information a small shop at the side
of the road, in which the master was very kind to us.
This is the senior's club. These old men and women were
playing cards. They told us more details of the Red Army'
story. It was in an evening, some scouts decorated as
pedlar coming to their village. At that night, one KMT's
truck was burnt.
In villagers' guide, we came to Mr. Chen's niece's home;
the old man was rolling grass when we were entering. |
He told us the situation of his uncle's showing way
to the Red Army.
Two old rooms in his yard were lived by the scouts at
that time. |
This is the door of the old room. |
We wanted to take a picture with the old man at the
end of our interview, and the baby dog got into its master’s
arms to take a photo with us. |