Art Trace
Him and his Pingluo ancient city
How many people will know
the history of Pingluo after those senior citizens who know the ory of Pingluo
pass awaw after dozens of years?
This problem were solved when the journalist saw
the picture of Pingluo ancient city which was painted by Wang Hongxi for three
years with the new year pictures drawing skills for the pursose of showing the
outlooks of Pingluo since its founding in 1720 .
Except the perface and the natural scenary in shirts of two meters were not finished , the main part which shoewed the main constructions and city outlook of Pingluo ancient city which was 35 meters in length and 1meter in width had been finishied after painting ., this painting which descriped the scenary from Heaven Emporer Palace to the South City Wall, reflecting the local conditions and customs , commerce and trade of different social classas from scenes of shangshou , vegetable vendors and magistrate lawsuit and so on , were in smooth lines , bright colors and vivid figures .According to Wang Hongxi , figures in this painting reach thousands with different moves and appearance which were all innovated by him
Based on some facts , with the accelerating construction speed , the past history , besides Bell and Clock Tower and Heaven Emporer Palace , onle exist in the memory of those senior citirns .Enabling more people to have a direct and deep recognition to the cultural accumulation of Pingluo for more than 200 years , Wang Hongxi began creating this painting after he had searched many information about Pingluo Town and had visited many existing senior citizens and has had an initial understanding to the main constructions and city layout . He had the intentions to paint the prosperity of Pingluo when the original name of Pingnu was replaced in December in 1720 before , but he changed his mind to draw things in summer for a more
bright color . Based on the memory of the senior Wang Changyi who was 96 , he
defined the sites of walls and memonial archs and foucsed on the lives of 12
figures at that time as the main content of this painting . As the consequence
of work in town government , he had to paint after work or during the free
agricultural season .
After three years of hard working , this painting scroll has been finished
initially .