According the research for the grape zone in ningxia, the yinchuan plain of northern ningxia area belongs to the mid-temperature, the dry area in continent temperature, the rain of which is less 200mm. This area enjoys sufficient sunshine, with the total annual sunshine 3300 hours and heat resource is enough with the average 8.8℃ and the temperature difference between day and night are 16.5( two times than the southern coastal city) and the water heat index is K=0.68. The total period without the frost is 180 days. The accumulating temperature reach 3300℃, with the effective 1500, it can not only satisfy the morning, afternoon and night needing, but also the cold mature period. The fruit become mature slowly with the rich taste and being the best wine, especially in red grape productive basis. This area has low influence of the frost and hail. Because of the sufficient water supply , good quality water, irritating from the huanghe river, the yinchuan plain enjoys the fame “ northwestern jiangnan” the grape growing here are in colorful and delicious with no insect, which is the best area for growing.
Secondly, the grapes as the plant suits all are mainly at the sand calcium soil and wind sand soil, which are loose. The surface temperature rise up quickly in spring with the bud comes up early with the good conditions. The photosynthesis and the accumulation are better. With the opening, development and industrializing, ningxia and the surrounding will be the energy industrial basis, and the forming the country into town and basis. The central government has transfer the main point into the western area, the basis will rise at the wine factory, which has provide the good chance for the large scale grape basis.