In the garden, we met many visitors, growers and pickers. From the grower, we know many valuable points.
Owing to the late mature of the grape for dozens of days, so it always delay the squeeze. But it is very strange that the prices are keeping delaying. As to the experts, owing to helan mountain eastern area good material decide the good quality of all big grapes company in famous fame, attracting many makers purchasing the materials. Last year before the mature, companies are rushing to buy, though
the green one are also being purchased in high price. The general price are in $4 each kilo. This year is the best year for helan mountain productive area, far better than last year. But the last year condition is not there, also the price is very late. The squeezing is on, the highest is no more than $3 each kilo. But the grower seems not being shocked, still keeps silence.
In 2008, all the contractors in the medlar researchers is a special year. Last year, the winter brewing grape experience the keeping lower temperature. The spring irrigation into the late frost result in the reduction outcomes in different degree. But in the unique location of helan mountain eastern area, together with long time scientific regulation method in production, the area of the researchers are less and grapes’ quality are popular. In the picking se
ason , the brewing grapes at the researcher are all poplar by many company, inside of which are tianjin Dynasty and weilong in gansu famous company. Till now, all the brewing grapes are finishing picking at all 8000 mu, totally picking up more than 5000 tons, which is less products by 25%. But the superior quality meets the loss in the production. This year the company is higher than 20%, reaching 16 million, making sure that all the farmers make sure loss production without loss income.