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Sand Mustard IndexIntroduction of Sand Mustard

 Sand mustard

   Sand mustard is a kind of sand growingwildvegetable that is also known as sand radish, sand cabbage or Sha gai. It can be used as food, medicine and fodder. Ningxia province has specific desert and sand hills that are particularly suitable for planting the sand mustard.

Shape and Feature: The living environment :  

alphabetic writing】 Shā Jiè
Another namesand radish, sand cabbage (<Chinese Herbs in Inner Mongolia>)
Source pugionium cornutum, a plant in Cruciferae family, is harvested in summer and autumn, dried in shady place after cutting into pieces or under sunshine after heating hot water for a short time.
Original planta juicy perennial herb with 50 to 100 cm high, single leaves, long roots and straight stem with many branches from the bottom. The leaves at the bottom grow like feathers with sharp ends, and the oblanceolate leaves on stem have round or wavy edge. It has racemes or panicles of flower heads. The flowers are white or yellow, with four oblanceolate sepals and four linear-lanceolate petals, and four outstanding stamens of six. The silicles are ovoid and non-cracking, with two long dagger-like wings and many appendages. The wings are 4 to five cm long, 2 to 3.5 mm wide. The florescence controls six to eight months.

Environmental distributionthey are grown at semi-fixed dunes and dunes in Shaanxi province, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia.
Planting Environment

 Wild sand mustard asks for little of the farmland, but it requires formation of the land as vegetables to gain harvest. We need to select sand land for an area of 1 acre or so in high ground and make it flat to avoid flooding the plants and then plow the earth for 30 to 40 cm. 



 Support: Qian Xiang Wan Cai  Technology (China) Co., Ltd.    

            Copyright © 2009 Sand Mustard Project Focus Group NO.4 Middle School Pingluo Ningxia