In 18th Sep, Mr. wang and fu takes us to the old street. The previous gate was replaced by a new gate, named dongmenlou, before is huozu tower. The both sides are newly built the corridor and small square for rest. Before the tower, there is a brass cooking vessel in two man height. It is a pity that we didn’t find the keeper so we cannot go up the tower. We have to walk along the street , they are doing the house, some of the house has been decorated and changing the original outlook. We find the household keeping the previous looking. There is only one old woman.I first time to see the old style bed,( ta in ancient time), she told to us that many people once come to see and she keep the old style. Her kids want to build a new house, but they don’t want that. So it continues. We know that they look great their house being for half life with them. Mr. Fu told her that the house is with significance from history. It is surveyed that this house is the most sound one in huangyuan county. She is very happy and will keep this. Welcome us come. We say goodbye to her and left.
The house at both side is building now. some of them was back out directly, because it is far from the original. Some of the building still remain the original, just backout the wall and screen and then restore the original. They clear the previous material and reducing the waste by the new timber. It is economic and environment friend. We met one master calledTang Wenying, he led us to visit the building and the habitant, introducing us the root crave, brick crave and painting. All the craving has its own meaning, such as” matafeiyan”“fuyu” and “ luhetongchun”, as well as “ Monkey Sun fighting the skull evil” and “ three hero fighting with lvbu”. Each has its ancient culture. Especially, the wen temple nearby, there are all of ancient culture smell. Before the sculpture of confusious in wen temple, Mr. Fu told us that: this is the forefather of the learned. Let’s take a photo and we all can go into the university. We know we need to make effort but are happy to do it, taking this is the membranes for this activity.
The wen temple is doing the decoration now, all the master don’t let me go into the corridor and room for the security. We just can look the hall. The dacheng hall is the main hall for the confusious temple, which name is from the mencious work” wanzhangxia” : “ confusious is the joining of the dacheng” it means to praise the confusious to cre ate all the theory which is the best anddeep all over the world.” In Tang dynasty, he was rewarded as “ Wen xuan king”. Zhaojie, the king of song dynasty name him as “ combining all the masterpiece of all the scholar”. Till the qinglong emperor in qing dynasty, he was named as the dacheng shengzhixianshenghsi wenxuan king.
The middle of the temple was his board name, on both side of which is “ four friends” which is with confucious to enjoy the sacrifice from people”. They are four saints, yanhui, kongji, zengsun, mengke. Yanhui and kongji was at east; zengsun and mengke was at west.
On the room of both side, thereare 12 people board name, is the 12 saints. In qianlong emperor ruling 3rd year(1738), 12 saints was replaced 12 saints and then decided in the hall, those are: minsun, rongyong, duanmuci, zhongyou, bushing, youruo, at the east and ronggeng, zaiyu, rongqiu, yanhui, duansunshi,zhuxi at west. There are still the old paints at the door, though through ten years, but we stillcan see the teaching carefully. According to the masters, those paints are from the 3rd councils meeting. Previously, those paints are ruined by the campaign, it is a pity for those ruined pictures.
From the wen temple, we went to the street. Mr. Tang has some other things to do and left, we just visit. Owing to the noon time, all the masters are resting, we cannot go to the danger hall, just in the chuanghuang temple to look. The chenghuang temple is the best one in the building. Here we met the donghao the retired the teacher, collecting the material for the old street. He warm-heartedly introduced us the temple. Chenghuang temple is the two yard with three entrances. The temple is built on the ground, the arrangement not only many layers, connecting in harmony but also decent, significant and brilliant. It is started from 1776 and rebuilt at 1801. it was second rebuilt at 1911 to 1926. till today, it has 222 years history. It is the most complete building in northwest.
To its south, it is a big shadow wall, it is the chenghuang temple” watching wall”, it is made by the brick brilliantly. Looking into wood, it means many fortune by its brick and lotus design at the bottom, and inthe middle of which it is craved with the fortunate design, such as peach, megranate, hand, persimmon, bamboo,chrysanthemum, plum, orchis, deer and crane, military book and sword. In the middle of the hall ,there is a picture with dragon, mountain and sea. The whole brick are full of design made by the skillful workers. There are board at the hall, saying:
mingjinggaoxuan with the dialect on both side:
lingzhao qianqiu ,tongyinyangeryouhe’ sitongwangu, zi baozhangyiwuqiong.
Entering into the mountain gate, we saw the facing is the stage tower. It is built on the 6 floor with three timber, above is high and down is short. From the facing, we can see the wide middle and narrow at both side. through the bottom, we look back. The stage isstanding forward, being the triple with the whole stage, called” wing of shamao” , means the first rank of the government. The roof is in square shape, called” wu yue chaotian”. The wall between the stage and backside are painting with the “ fulushou, three old and three young”. And the big window with round air hole means“ prosperous human culture with decedent”
The both side of the tower are standing the drum in square with both roof edge. The cross ridge are divided into four, front is the anchor and left bell, right drum. The bell is as big as two round, and the drum is in 3 foot diameters. But it cannot beat. It is said that the sound can beheard in the sky. We always say the bell for morning and drum for evening. But the huang yuan county just opposite. It is said that the drum is used to wake up and bell for sleep, which is the practice in Han Dynasty.
We think that all these are the relic for the huangyuan culture, enjoying high historic culture value. We should protect this from ruining. 
After Mr. dong, we come to material room of the company, hearing that most of the timber is from northeastern china. The master is from the company of guansu province yongjing. He has good skill. And it is expected that the project willbe finished the end of the year.
We gain a lot from today interview. The most impression is we should make big effort to promote the historic culture relic development and current case. Let us all protect them and expand. No matter how many generation can enjoy all the beauty. |