School Profiles

Huangzhong Vocational Middle School was founded in 1982. In 20 years'development, it has become a comprehensive educational base including vocational, adult and special education. Tangka Major, also named Zongka Ethnic Art School, is an outstanding part of special education. It was founded in Nov 2002 and based on arts and crafts. The purpose of setting this major is to popularize the religious arts, such as Tangka and appliquéd embroidery, which are two of the three consummate artworks of the Ta'er Monastery. The Tangka is a kind of multicolored scroll painting painted on cloth, silk or paper. It is one variety of painting full of the features of Tibetan culture and rich in its contents. The appliquéd embroidery is a kind of artwork made of silk floss with rising and falling patterns.

In this major, there are 150 students in all, in which 50 students are disabled. As for the specialties of this major, deaf-mute people and the one with paralysis of the lower limb can undertake the work. At the same time, the disabled students have the equal opportunity in finding job, which improve their economic status in society. This major is drawing more public attention and also makes contribution to the development of ethnic arts.
Huangzhong Vocational School,Qinghai?007,All Rights Reserved