When talk about previous situation of the village, we did interview an old man named Wen lived in Huang Jia Zhai Dong village, below is the dialogue between our team with Wen:
Question: Please describe your living condition before the aluminium established?
Wen: Can’t compare with right now. Before our cloth with mend was quite normal thing, I remembered when my oldest son got married; he didn’t have new cloth for wedding, and then lend one suit from relative. At that moment, our house were not as good as now, only cut some willow and ask some closed relations neighbor to help to make mud on to be made the wall (at that time, only people who lived in the city could use the brick to build the house, we were only use mud). When it was raining outside, inside the house always leak the water, every family have this problem.
Question: Any changes of the food compare with before?
Wen: Too big changes! We used to say, we kept the chickens for spending money and kept pig for New Year. We only could eat the pork on New Year, and it was the worst part on the pig. Because the best part we sold to the oppidan, because we need save money to buy fertilizer distributor for next year. Normally we only have fry yam for breakfast, boiled yam for lunch and only some food made by flour at dinner.
Question: When you need to go out, what would you choose for vehicle?
Wen: At that time we didn’t go out so much, if we need to go out or visit the relatives, we took walk or simple carriage. There are some bus, but very expensive which we couldn’t afford.
Question: Compare with before, your living life had really changed a lot, what’s the main reason do you think?
Wen: aluminium factory! Let’s say about my family. The oldest and 2nd son were hired by the factory, now they can earn more than 3000 yuan a month as for salary, that made our family changed like right now. so we should thank to the aluminium factory, thank to them brings us to the rich life.