Pursue the tremella for Wang Xian Bing home cultivating a shed, harvest this year cultivating shed, but his though very simple is very good , bole is green thick stick forest inside chop tremella's seed is distributed in higher authority , appropriate the temperature , humidity and sunlight after eturning,tremella is therefore likely from growing out on these withered branches,these deadwoods can not throw away , can continue being put into use after the first time grows out, have waited until the emella coming into bud has been not good , the nutrition explaining trees's has not been had, This throws away these withered ranches just now. We happen to run into final batch of tremella when going to pluck. |
Wash tremella after clean , dry with regard to a finalworking procedure having been left , having drying tremella now, not bad take out go and have sold, they return Wang Xian Bing back adopt parallel tradition's using the sun to sun dry , some are comparatively big have cultivated capital of shed being dried by a fire with having fixed the equipment being modernized, that we feel such dries the tremella coming out in the sun only is pure,natural , will be more delicious. White tremella is really easy to have looked at extremely.
Left is pursued for Wang Xian Bing wife in airing tremella; |