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Documentary interview
Grateful to have you
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Grateful to have you

    Research activities in this topic received a lot of units and individuals of the strong support of our work for their helpful comments, in this special made to express my sincere gratitude.

    Bazhou District Wen tubes
    Bazhong North Temple shrine
    Nanyue temple town of flowers
    1000 Town and Talent Technologies (China) Co., Ltd.
    Flowers Middle School Youth League
    Flowers which five secondary schools for eight years, high-class science 2012
    Secondary language teaching and research among the flowers, flowers in the body of teaching and research apprenticeship

    Wangsuo Zhang (Wen tubes), Cheng Sung (Man tubes), Chan uncle (Southern Mountain Temple Administrator), DU Wei (flowers political and religious school director), Tian Xin-Cheng (flowers Middle School Language Teaching and Research Group L)

HuaCong Middle School, BaZhong City, SiChuan Province, P.R. China

E-mail:bzhczx@126.com    Tel:0827-5481011