
Worship ren and virtues, Innovative applications on reality

Information Project elements Project overview Contribution to illustrate Materials

    》》Integrating with curriculum

    We could not only learn knowledge in the books from School teaching and our own learning, we should test our knowledge in practice. Only combing the knowledge in the book and extracurricular practices can we really put what we learnt into practices.

   》》Tools we used




U Disk



Adobe Photoshop

Microsoft Word



    》》In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Cyberfair project both on-line and in person?

    It was the first time that our team had participated into this exploring activity, and we felt the heavy responsibilities on our shoulders. With interview as the main method, making use of Sunday and spare time, conducting interviews with relevant subjects with team spirit of collaboration, and collecting and sorting out the interviewing materials in time, explaining the interview experience to our classmates, carrying out theme class meeting in the class, promoting our research plan among the students and teachers, all of which made more people participate in the activity, understand principal Qing and know our school. In this practice, we understood that he power of the individual is trivial, only with the team cooperation and mutual trust, could we accomplish the task.

    》》What has been the impact of your project on your community?

    For principal, our understanding was that he is the parents of school. For parents, we children have the feeling of fear and curiosity. We wonder if principal is dignified out of school in his life. By this project, what we talked to principal face to face will unveil his mystery. We shared this experience with other students, told them a real principal. Students get to know the principal much better. And it makes our support for his work.

    》》Contribution to the local community?

   In the process of participating in this activity, we got a lot of strong help from teachers and classmates. Teachers volunteered to provide us with equipment and sites; the students helped us to collect and sort out materials. It could be argued that without them, there would be no this work.

    》》Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises:?

   In this activity, it took us a lot of time and effort from the initial sign up at first, assigned tasks, collecting materials to accomplishing the web gage at last, while at the same time we also learned a lot, we exercised our communication skills, we are no longer "winning a war by words", we began to understand how trivial the power of the individual was compared with the team as a collective group. It is of course, important to accomplish the tasks independently, while the team cooperation, mutual understanding and support was just the key to open the door of success. Difficulties made us grow and time made us change qualitatively. This activity made us have further understandings and experience about ourselves and others. We would move forward more bravely in future learning career and life.

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