Yuquan school  


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Program origin
Our team
Interview column
The arduous journey
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Your position: about us:

The arduous journey


The work item


2013.9.17 formed a team, the determination subject

we has formed the team which was composed by a teacher and three students, the definite subject was "Enters Jade Spring Courtyard"


On the net participates the registration

to instruct the teacher to register for us

Collected "Jade Spring Courtyard" the partial materials, prepared the digital camera and the digital camera

"Entered Jade Spring Courtyard" the history, the synopsis and so on have borrowed have instructed teacher's digital camera and the school camera.


Interviews the object to determine

our key interview object truly, moreover is the neighbor related staff and the Huayin city cultural building staff.


To the jade spring courtyard interview, visits the cultural building, the photography correlation picture

member is responsible to interview the cultural building staff, the tourguide as well as nearby jade spring middle school history teacher, moreover the member is responsible to photograph the picture, in particular jade spring courtyard picture.

2013.10.13-10.15 The reorganization interview material

division of labor and cooperation, reorganizes the material. .

2013.10.16-10.18 Propagandizes the jade spring courtyard cultural member to various classes to divide into classes the time sharing explanation jade spring courtyard, in particular jade spring courtyard historical fable story and myth fable story.

manufacture homepages

we use the two-day weekend and the after school time fully, in instructs under teacher's help, selection material, division of labor assistance “manufacture” homepage.

Monuments Heritage @ Copyright Shaanxi Province  Contact:Li Gang Tel:0913-4413191  Mobile:15929261771  QQ:10015091
  E-mail10015091@qq.com  Address: Huayin City, Shaanxi Province, Roshan junior high school