index| introduction of dinosaurs| Mamenxi dinosaurs | the relics of dinosaurs| the value of dinosaurs| special topic| about ourselves | contribution of the team | the map of website  
Meaning of Activity       Meaning of Activity      
1 Meaning of Activity  
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Feelings of this trip

                                 Holding Class Meeting
    The class meeting held by the monitor of Class one, Grade three had an atmosphere that was very active. The reason why we proposed to convene this class meeting was simple, because we had never heard of the Mamenxi dinosaur that unearthed near us. We have always thought of that the huge dinosaur statue was only for visiting and we didn’t know the origin of it. What made us difficult to understand was that people who born and grew in Haishi Bay has never heard of it. Haishiwan have unearthed dinosaur, is this not a tragedy? It also reminded us that to hold a meeting on Mamenxi dinosaur in Haishi Bay was necessary. Now we had such an opportunity to understand more details of Mamenxi dinosaur, in class meetings, several classmates who made websites were all on the podium and introduced Mamenxi dinosaurs to everyone, and they made it very impressive, we all listened carefully and involved. In addition, we found a lot of pictures and written information about Mamenxi dinosaurs, which made this class meeting very successful, in the sound of lively discussions, we unconsciously learned a lot of knowledge again.

Copyright@Lanzhou 24th Middle School The team of night legend 2009-2010