It looks like canister. The delicious was made by the laborious hands of wheat’s mother. Firstly, need to sauté deeply and then grind into flour; Secondly, pour hot water into it to make ripe. Lastly, made into several kinds to braise deeply. Totally was called as “ three deeply”. If the water used is mineral water, the wheat will be much better faint scent. And the water temperature must be obay the standard to guarantee the eating feeling. The wheat’s mother experienced cooked them. |
When eat, there are 2 ways, hot and cold: cold is mixed with threadlike cucumber, radish, and together with salt soup with spicy oil, vegetable, oat’s soup to dipping and eat, it’s delicious; Hot is with hot mutton soup, mushroom soup, pickle soup or boil vegetable, mixed with salt soup with spicy oil, when cooked take it do dipping with above soup, and feel very smoothly in mouth, and scent everywhere, very delicious. Here I would like to remind you, the wo wo can’t dipping over 30 seconds, otherwise it would not be taste flexible. |