12,11,2005, Wednesday, Cloudy
Today after school, I went to an old man over 80 years old for some information of Tu tradition. But when I asked him about Tu tradition about dress and food, he just said he didn’t know. I was disappointed while he told me his neighbor was Tu people and introduced me to him. And he told me that Tu people didn’t eat meat of horses and dogs. And that is what I get today.
Wenqing Chen |
On 8 Dec,2005, Clear today
Today my grandpa’s brother told me something about the dress of Tu. He said the hats Tu wear are with the edge curled up. And the hats women wear are black and have decorative pattern. Men’s hats are white. Men liked to wear black waistcoat, white shirt and trousers of black and blue. Women prefer red or green dress.
On 11 Dec,2005
Today is sunday, I went by my cousin's house. We took counsel together as to whom we were going to interview.Although I am a Tus boy, I have no knowledge of Tu culture.The cousin told me that his mother is also Tus, so I waited till aunt came back home.When she returned home at night.I asked her some of questions about Tus, such as, food . My aunt told me that Tu didn’t eat meat of horse and dogs. And Tu’s favorite food is fried cake and Tahe, a kind of braised cake.
Yinlong Cai |
On 25 Dec,2005
Today I asked Mr. Wang an old man, why Tu people didn’t eat meat of horses. He told me Tu worshiped the horse that Tangseng, a legendary monk, rode to travel to India for sutra.
Yulan yang |
On 12 Dec,2005
After several days of interview, I discovered many differences between Tu and Han on etiquette of wedding ceremony and funeral, dress and food. Tu people do not eat meat of horse.
In the New Year holiday, I went to interview my grandfather.He is 77.I met many other people during the interview.Some of them knew of Tu history and culture, Some of them didn't.They are generlly lack of education.
Yanshen Zhang |
On 20 Dec,2005 Clear
This morning I was very happy. Because this is my first time to interview Li Yuanlai who was Tu. When I came to his house,his father was dringing tea,he invited me to be seated and served me a cup of tea. After us mading a few conventional remarks, I told them what I had come for. Li's father was laugh. He said he had little knowledge of Tu custom and culture, but he promised me that he would like to tell me all he knew. He told me Tu wear hats and men and women wore different hats. But he did not know the details.
Zhaoxiong Zhao |
2005.11.20 Clear
Today I went to interview Qi Wenming, an old Tu people. He told me Tu had different ways of burying dead. But he did not know the details.?
I gained little from this inverview. But I will keep on trying.
2005.11.22 Clear
Today, I am going to take my second interview. I thought of Li Jinfu' family, they are Tu people. Li Jinfu's grandma just passed away, and she was sure to left somtheing to her offspring.
I came to his house with high hopes. I said hello to his mother first, and mentioned what I had come for, asked if Li jinfu's grandma left something like felt cat.She told me that of course grandma did, but they could not show me, because grandma has just died.
I felt sad. I knew my visit was ill. I had to say good - bye to them after exchanged a few words of greeting with them..
Li Hongji |
2005-12-11 Clear
I went to Mr. Zhang, an old man for tradition of wedding ceremony and funeral. He told me the bride’s family would pour water on the persons sent to pick up the bride and cremation was the main way of dealing with dead.
2005-12-26 Clear
I asked my grandpa why Tu didn’t eat meat of horse. He said they regarded horse as their ancestor just like Muslim regarded pig as their ancestor. They worshiped horse.
Liu Yingming |
Copyright @ Qinglin Township Tu Center School,Datong County, Qinghai,China |