The religious temple of the people art and building art
There are nearly 20 temple, which is the product of the multi-culture. In the western stone, there is haizang temple. And hen the guandi temple and chenghuang temple, showing the culture joining fully. |
Natural culture
kunlun culture and central culture and farm culture. Different things works together, it is in the fully coordination, giving out deep influence. Leaving the many famous poem. And other cultural things, having the important sense. 、
Mingqing laojie
Mingqing laojie as the important part of building,combing the market and then the development of the market. It shows the historic development and then promoting the development
Huangyuan lamp row
Huangyuan lamp row. It is from the qing dynasty and then showing in the festival, it is the treasure of the point.Huangyuan chenghuang temple:Huangyuan chenghuang temple. Provincial protection, in the western area, there is a temple the stone lion across and then the painting inside are famous, showing the temple site.
Crave culture corridor 
Crave culture corridor it is generally culture site project and then being the center of the culture park. Taking the point at the main line there are nearly 80 miles. Taking the historical culture as the line forming the lien of multi-purpose. Showing the harmonious idea.
Beiji mountain
Beiji mountain: the northeastern side of huangyuan county, the slope is even. it starts at the 1777, the main building is wuliang hall. Shows the fresh mind, every festival many people come to hope the best.
Huangyuan three valley
Xishixia and yaoshuiiabayanxia
Yaoshui xia is from the medicine.
Bayan xia is in the name of rich.
Dongke temple
Dongke temple: provincial temple, liaoshu in Tibet, in huangyuan riyue Tibet village, dongke temple is just next ot teaer temple
Zhazang temple
Zhazang temple: 15 miles awasy from huangyuan temple. Already 1700 years, in the qing dynasty, it is the meeting area for the sacrifice.
Zongjia gou
Zongjia gou: in the huangyuan 15 miles away county. the mountain is cliff, there are several stream, bird singing.
Moya crave
Moya crave: the throat of the Tibet. It has the crave. It has the stone crave, which is biggest stone crave.