Management institutions
Headquarters of Xiama Forest
Subordinates: Dongdatan Protective Station, Quanwan
Protective Station, Suancigou Protective Station, Xigoukou
Protective Station, Xidatan Protective Station, Xiaotanhe
Protective Station, Dongquan Protective Station, Xiaodanhe
Nursery, Police Station of Xiama Development Co.,Ltd
Financial Situation
In the earlier times of the forest, the forest was
damaged seriously. The fixed assets are less than ten
thousand yuan. And the facilities and dormitories are
rather humble. The workers experiences much hardships.
In the modern times, the strategies have been changed
to focus on the high technology and market to develop
the forest. Nowadays, the fix assets have amounted to
more than five million yuan. The living conditions of
workers have been greatly improved and there has been
all the modern office equipment.
