The forest refers to the area full
of trees, which provides human beings with food, fuel,
timber, medicine in the early times. The human civilization
has close relationship with the forests which gives the
materials of tools, houses, cities and towns, wheels and
ships. The forests also cultivate the sense of esthetics.
As a kind of regulator, although the shortage of forests
is not fatal, it has bad influence on the living environment
of human beings.
Due to the great consumption of the timber, the area
of forests on the Earth is becoming smaller and smaller,
which causes a lot of environmental problems such as drier
and warmer climate, more sandstorms and air pollutions,
water and soil erosions. Therefore, the value of forests
to environment has become higher. Planting more trees
to increase the forest resources has close relationship
with the economic, social and environmental benefits of
human beings.
