Our team members Profile of our work
Studying Hard In the Earliest Ten Years Cub Maker of Black Pottery Starting to make achievements Great fame at home and abroad

Cub Maker of Black Pottery

  As Shang Tianming loves making black pottery and his father gives much support, he builds a workshop to start his own career. At first, his works were not recognized by other people. His father started to object his job, because he spend almost all the money in the workshop. Then he asks his friends for help, but no one wants to invest money for him.

  In such a situation, under the pressure of his family members and friends, he continues to make works of black pottery. At this time, there is only one person who supports him, that is his wife. She also starts to learn how to make works of black pottery and encourages him to improve their works, materials and outlooks, as well as get a better understanding of the market. Then they make a lot of products that is popular among people, which paves a way for the future success.
