On September 27, 2007, we hold an interview with Shang Tianming under the guidance of our teachers. When he comes to our school, we find he is active and humorous.

In the beginning of the interview, he is a little nervous. When we come to talk about his career, he suddenly becomes excited and tells us his stories. Impressed by his father, he loves to make black pot. When he graduated from the senior high school in 1981, he did not know what he wants to do and stayed at home for more than three years. Under the guidance of his father, he later went to learn how to make black pots from 1992 to 1994 in Xi’an. In 1995, his work won the award on the exhibition in Lanzhou. In 1997, due to the bankruptcy of his factory, he lost his job. In 1998, he collected some money to build his own workshop, which is the real start of his career.
After interviewing him, we also go to interview the teachers who have taught Mr. Shang. One of his teachers is also our headmaster, Mr Liao tells us he has been impressed by the student. Although he was a little naughty, he studies hard and had a good relationship with his classmates. He is the pride of the school and of the local people. Mr. Zheng was also once his teacher of fine art. He tells us although Shang was poor at that time he really worked very hard, which shows his noble spirit.
We wanted to interview his teacher who have taught him to make black pots, but he tells us his teacher have been dead. We also feel regretful. He tells us the teacher has taught him a lot and he owes his teacher a great deal.
After the interview, we have a better understanding of Mr. Shang who is a sincere person, a good student, a family lover and a black-pot lover, who is worth learning by us. |