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Interview Prospect of black pottery Black pottery - his dream

Prospect of black pottery

  In 1995, his works won the award on the exhibition in Lanzhou and his other works were also sold out. In the early 2000, more works of his have been sold out and his workshop was also further developed. In 2006, an American Chinese contracted with him buying more than 100 pieces of his work. In 2007, his works copying the souvenirs of Beijing Olympic Games were also popular in the market. Now, the works of his has entered the list of intangible cultural heritage in Honggu District, and he is applying for that in Gansu Province.
  Mr. Shang is full of confidence for the prospect of black pottery and he is trying hard to combine the traditional culture and modern esthetics to make improvements on the black pottery and create more new works, to make it more attractive and useful.

