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Black Pottery in the ancient times Artistic value of Black Pottery Eternal Treasure Dream of Shang Tianming Beautiful Hometown

Black Pottery in the ancient times

彩绘鸟形陶壶 新石器时代

黑陶鸟形带盖器 浪渚文化

陶刻画猪纹钵 河姆渡文化

   The culture of black pottery is famous as a pearl in the long history of China and is also an outstanding aspect in the development of human history. It is considered as the art of earth and fire, crystallization of strength and beauty. It has great influence on the formation of thinking and culture in China in the ancient times.

   The culture of black pottery is also that along the Yellow River and forms an important part in China’s culture. It appeared in B.C.2600 – 2000 along the Yellow River and has the history of 4600 years. The period of black pottery is an important period to connect that of colored pottery and bronze ware. It signifies the high technology in the pottery making. Black pottery is typical of Majiayao Culture which shows different colors in different sunshine with exquisite carvings and graceful outlook.

   The culture of black pottery is a kind of accumulation of history and culture. The art crafts of black pottery make people feel comfortable and tranquil. In order to hand down the culture, a lot of sculptors and artisans try their best to make outstanding works with references to some cultural relics unearthed. They also make some innovations on their new works. We hope the new black pottery pieces can gain more recognition at home and abroad.