In February when the fresh and cool autumn came and melons and fruits were ripe , statue of avalokitesvaras in the Guide Nanhai Temple were finally completed after elaborate building for more than a year .
It was cloudless and sunny on 13th Sep , 2010 . The inuaguration ceremony of statue of avalokitesvaras in the Guide Nanhai Temple in Qinghai was held solemnly propitious howl .
(Consecration Ceremony of statue of Nanhai Avalokitesvaras in the propitious howl)
At that morning , more than 200 tibetan buddahs and han buddahs gnathered at the foot of the statue of Nanhai Avalokitesvaras to recite scriptures led by the leading buddah to conduct the Consecration Ceremony . The inuaguration ceremony of statue of avalokitesvaras were more than one hour later than the Consecration Ceremony
Consecration Ceremony
Recite scriptures by eminent monk
Recite scriptures and blessind led by the president of Hainan zhou Buddist President
consecration of Nanhai avalokitesvaras
The inuaguration ceremony were hosted by the deputy secretary of Guide of CPC and acting magistrate of county people’s government . The attendents were : Xuecheng Mage , deputy chairmn of Chinese Buddist Association .
Zhangqi , deputy director of China Buddist Cultural Research Institute .
Qing Anjie , deputy chairman of Qinghai CPPCC .
Yang Maoru , former deputy director of Qinghai NPC standing committee .
Ge sang duo jie , former deputy director of Qinghai NPC standing committee .
Wu Dawei , the provincial director of Bureau of Tourism .
Saici Maga , the chairman of Provincial Buddiist Association .
Jinmai ,standind director and deputy chairman of Provincial Buddist Association .
Kanshu , deputy secretary of provincial Buddist Association ,
Zhang Wenkui , deputy secretary of Hainan prefecture and Chairman of Prefecture People’s Government .
Miu Shanliang , director of Hainan prefecture NPC standing committee . Ga Majia , chairman of Hainan prefecture CPPCC ,
Du Chengzhong , member of Hainan Prefecture CPPCC , chief minister of Orgnization Department .
Li Xiangting , member and chief secretary of Hainan prefecture CPPCC .
He Youlong and ga zang duo jie of deputy director of Hainan Prefecture of NPC standing committee .
Ning Keping , deputu chairman of Hainan prefecture People’s Government ,
Wen Huachun and geng zang ban ma nan jie, deputy chairman of Hainan prefe consecration of Nanhai avalokitesvaras
cture CPPCC ,
Zhou Qinning , chief procurator of People’s Procuratorate .
Gabu Maga .
Jiasa Maga , chairman of Hainan prefecture Buddist Assocaition .
Qi Lihui , president of Beijing 1001 Nights Catering Com.LTD .
Members from Hainan Prefecture Tibet Language Committee ,. Leaders from Hainan Prefecture Tourist Department .
Leaders from fore towns , including Gonghe , Guinan , Tongde , Xinghai .
Speech by Ning Keping , deputu chairman of Hainan prefecture People’s Government
The inuaguration ceremony were divided into five parts . Firstly , contruction situation introducted by Qi Lihui , president of Beijing 1001 Nights Catering Com.LTD . Secondly , speech by Xuecheng Maga , the deputy chairman of Chinese Buddiist Association . Thirdly , speech by Wu Dawei , the provincial director of Bureau of Tourism . Foouthly , speech by Ning Keping , deputu chairman of Hainan prefecture People’s Government . Fifth , announcement of innaugration by Zhang Wenkui , deputy secretary of Hainan prefecture and Chairman of Prefecture People’s Government . The whole ceremony concluded in the thundering sound of firing .
Introduction of contruction situation by Qi Lihui ,main investor , president of Beijing 1001 Nights Catering Com.LTD
The inuaguration ceremony were hosted by the deputy secretary of Guide of CPC and acting magistrate of county people’s government .
Nanhai Temple , as one of the eight ancient tourist sites , is a trump card site during the construction of Qingha Guide tourist developing demonstrations and the best site to view the whole beautiful scenary in Sanhe region . To conduct a good protective development work of it , in August , 2009 , Guide Town invested 22.6million yuan , covering infrastructure , restoration of ancient architectures , and construction work mainly focused on the Nanhai Temple lanscape area . The whole project will be opened soon after one year of engineering work . The completed statue of Nanhai Avalokitesvaras is the highest in northwest China with distinctive style , maganificent moumentum , reflecting the profound buddist atmosphere . Its complement and inauguration will definitely become a deautiful namecard of Guide tourism and promote the construction of a first class scenic spot and Guide demonstrations of tourist development zones , economic development of Guide and the construction of a harmonious society .