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   Development situation
consecration of Nanhai avalokitesvaras


Accessory Faemers’ life
Planning of Nanhai Temple

      Nanhai Temple built into scale after the continuous building after the main building complex had been built at the end of Ming dynasty . Since most of the constructions were demolished during the period of Cultural Revolution , the existing constructions were rebuilt after1980s.       


     Nanhai Temple which was built against the mountain with tidy layout , boasts the core of the tourist sites in town with distinctive natural and humanitarian value .


     The natural value lies in its capability to view the whole beautiful scenary in Sanhe region while the huamanitarian value lies in its origin in Ming dynasty .    To conduct a good protective development work of it , in August , 2009 , Guide Town invested 22.6million yuan , covering infrastructure , restoration of ancient architectures , greening and drop irrigation as well as the construction of statue of Nanhai Avalokitesvaras.


Staff zone | Hexi middle school | By 2010, all rights reserved