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   Gods statues
Nanhai avalokitesvara
Holy mother
Eighteen disciples of buddah
San qing zun god
Ancient architectures

Eighteen disciples of buddah

    There were pictures of Eighteen disciples of buddah in the original lang fang in Nanhai Temple . Eighteen(sixteen before)disciples of buddah which were the disciple of Sakyamuni . Based on the buddist scriptures , they were instructed by the buddah not to nirvana but to stay on earth to bring well-being to people . Sixteen disciples of buddah are always situated at two sides of Da xiong Palace for worshipping with their own names . Since two were added later , they became Eighteen disciples of buddah which has become the most popular diciples statues at two sides of Da xiong Palace to listen to the enlightment by buddah . Therefore , we can often see their pictures .

Since diciples were so popular among human , their numbers were expanded to even 500 . There also exist many different editions of their origin . Some said they were 500 diciples of Sakaymuni . Some said they were 500 robbers . It is said that 500 robbers in ancient India occupied a monutain to be the king , but their eyes were gouged our after they had been arrested . As a result ,they cried in the mountians and foreats . However ,Sakarmuni heard it and showed his mercy to give them magical medicine for eyes recovery .Since then ,500 robbers followed the buddah and became his disciples .

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