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   Gods statues
Nanhai avalokitesvara
Holy mother
Eighteen disciples of buddah
San qing zun god
Ancient architectures

San qing zun god   

    San qing Hall in Nanhai Temple is the one of highest status with San qing zun god in it for worshipping . San qing , the so called san qing tian inTaoism , including Yu qing yuan shi tian god , shang qing ling bao tian god and tai qing dao de tian god who is our familiar tai shang lao jun , that is Laozi .
During the north and south dynasties , Taoist scholars created another god , ling bao tian god who was also called tai shang dao jun , superior than tai shang lao jun just rhetoricly without much influence on earth .
Tai shang lao jun is known by all the people in China . In the work A journey to west , exixirs were stolen by monkey king when he was forging elixirs . Therefore , he fired monkey king in his stove for 49 days but monkey king ran away after kicking the stove down . In fact , tai shang lao jun who was the creator of Taoism ,Laozi , in Spring and Autumn Period , has written 5000 famous lines . The sentence of advesities and lucks were in mutual interdependence showed the simple dialectical philosophical thought of mutual transition of things in nature .

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