While we are surprised by the delicate lamp row, we also want to kow
its procedures. Following our teachers, we visit the making place
and visit the craftsman. When we know more than 30 folk skilled
craftsman, Xuquanxi, Yangzenggui, Caoying, and Dangqingyun, more
than 50, present the more than 200 yearsHuangyuan Lamp row by the
joint effort, we are so surprised that these old men, thought looks
like the normal villager, has the master skill.
The first step is to make the frame, always craving or painting the
traditional flower, grass and characters, which is needed the
skillful craftsman, mainly because they are the main framework.
After this follows the painting.
It should always reflect the folk story ,
climate and convention, celebrity story and legend story, which is
the favorite to the common people. Meanwhile, in addition to the
painting, the pile embroidery, shadow movie and paper cutting are
added to it , which make the lamp row more worthy to enjoy, research
and collect. The last step is to put them together. With the
scientific development, the light source of the lamp row change from
the previous candle to bulb and it will be installed by the
electronic technicians. They use the advanced tech such as
electronic, light and sound and new materials to reform the
traditional lamp row. It bring the designs life and the vigor into
this art. |