development planning
by Chaozhenqing and Tianshenghui
Since Huangyuan Lamp Row been succeeding in applying for national
intangible material culture protection inheritage, it receive the
concern from many parts. But the development of the Lamp row
still a stranger to the public. We go to the county lamp row for the
records, but is a pity that there is nothing about this. Until our
teacher finally find the information about applying for national
intangible material culture protection inheritage, we have the
access to the lamp row development.
Huangyuan, historically known as Dan Ger, locates the key place at
the “ancient corridor of Tang Dynasty and Minority group” as well as
“the silk southern way”, which is also the main settlement of Han,
Zang, Hui, Meng people. Since the ancient time, it is known as “ the
throat of the Qinghai and Tibet”, which is also the gate of the
middle area. During the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty, It
become the place for the exchanging of the tea and horse and until
the end of Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, the foreign business
starts at there covering the all country. Huangyuan Ancient city
enjoy the reputation as “Little Peking” for its milk and honey with
talent people and rich soil. At that time, the traders from Shanxi
province and Shan’Xi province settled in Huangyuan for generations.
It was them who bring the advanced culture and business idea and
strengthen the local economy to the Sun and Moon Mountain, which
locates near there. During Qianlong emperor ruling period, they
introduce the center area lamp row to Huangyuan combining the
culture element of Han, Zang, Mongo, Hui group and people from the
Hehuang area as well as the optimistic spirit from the Huangyuan,
which constitutes a special folk scenery view for generations. We
can see “Little Peking” pervious prosperity for its perfect
combination of center are culture and Hehuang culture. It was Dan
Ger which is the origin of Qinghai Lamp Row and now is the most
attractive point in the Huangyuan County local national folk

In order to let more people to enjoy, we have invested a lot, both
on man power , material and money, to purchase the appliance,
collect the material, perfect the data and organize the professors,
folk artists and craftsmen. We also use the modern tech and new
materials, such as the electric, light and sound, to improve the
traditional lamp row: from the outer shape, we replace the original
lamp row to the hanging and ground lamp row and introduce many other
styles: closet style, screen style, hall style and wall styles with
the shape of fan, oval and quincunx; from the art category, we add
the barbola, stitchwork, shadow movie, and paper cutting to the
tradition. A lot of lamp row new generation artists and craftsman
have been cultivated. We are
on setting up the brand sense by submitting the national patent and
registered marks. In so doing, we managed to drive the lamp row to
the market mechanism and succeed in becoming the candidate of the
national intangible material culture protection inheritage.
When we walked into 21th century, the Huangyuan Lamp Row meet its
new era of reforming and renovating. Under the direct arrangement of
the Chinese Communist party Huangyuan Committee and Huangyuan
government, financed directly to research and organized by the
county culture agency, the lamp row received its reforming. By
using the modern tech of
light and electroic, not
the design more vivid and true, but also the content are added by shadow movie,
embroidery, sweet-bag, and
paper cutting etc. based on the original history character, legend
story, masterpiece and
painting, relic and ancient site as well as the tourists attraction.
The style of the frame are also various and well craved to to let
the people to enjoy, collect and research. In this way, the
Huangyuan Lamp row was brought into the new vigor and have every
reason to be built as a famous culture brand, which lay a solid
foundation to make it popular from county , city, province or even
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